Saturday, September 17, 2016

It Had to Die - Sunday 9/18/16 - Bishop Dudley

Sermon Text: John 11:14, 15 - 14 Then Jesus told them plainly, “Lazarus has died, 15 and for your sake I am glad that I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him.”

Sermon Title: It Had to Die

Point 1: Let it die – cause Jesus ain’t coming until it does! Vs. 5-6 - 5 Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. 6 So, when he heard that Lazarus[a] was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was.

Point 2: Let it die cause you have to die too Vs. 16 - 16 So Thomas, called the Twin,[b] said to his fellow disciples, “Let us also go, that we may die with him.”

Point 3: Let it die cause God’s glory will rise vs. 4, 40 - 4 But when Jesus heard it he said, “This illness does not lead to death. It is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.” 40 Jesus said to her, “Did I not tell you that if you believed you would see the glory of God?”

Conclusion: vs. 44 - 44 The man who had died came out, his hands and feet bound with linen strips, and his face wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, “Unbind him, and let him go.”

Life Application:
1.   Stop holding on to what God is telling you to turn loose of
2.  How do you know to let it go – when it starts smelling
3.  Trust God for the new resurrected blessing

Small Group Questions:
1.   Name one thing/person/relationship you have to let go of
2.  What’s the hold up?

3.  How do you plan to let go?

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