Sunday, February 22, 2015


Sermon Text: Jeremiah 12: 5 - “If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble[a] in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by[b] the Jordan?
Sermon Title: Fire Cell Pt. 3 This Ain’t That
Point 1: You have to pass the people test vs. 6 For even your brothers and the house of your father, even they have dealt treacherously with you; they are in full cry after you; do not believe them, though they speak friendly words to you.”
Point 2: You have to pass the too much test vs. 5a If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses…
Point 3: You have to pass the discernment test vs 6 For even your brothers and the house of your father, even they have dealt treacherously with you; they are in full cry after you;
Point 4: You have to pass the personality test vs. 5 If you have raced with men on foot, and they have wearied you, how will you compete with horses? And if in a safe land are you so trusting, what will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?
Point 5: You have to pass the pleasure test vs. 5b …And if in a safe land you are so trusting, what will you do in the thicket of the Jordan?
Life Application:
1)  Pray for power to pass the test…
2)  Be persistent…

3)  Don’t settle…

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