Sunday, April 13, 2014

All In Sacrifice of Jesus: The Fans of Sacrifice!?
Point 1: Fan Club of Fame
1. The Donkey vs. 4 They went and found a colt…
2. The Owner vs. 5, 6…What are you doing untying a colt…and the people let him go…
3. The Trees vs. 8…others spread branches they had cut…
4. The People vs. 9 Those who went ahead of him and those who followed after him shouted…
Point 2: Fan Club of Sacrifice
1. There is a cost Matt 16: 24…deny yourself pick your cross and follow him…
2. There is pain 2 Tim 2: 12 If we suffer , we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:
3. There is denial Matt16: 24…deny yourself pick your cross and follow him…
4. There is delayed gratification Matt 6: 33…seek ye first the kingdom of heaven…
Point 3: Fan club of one Mark 14: 36
1. Fame
2. Success
3. Popularity
Point 4: Start your own Jesus fan club
What's your response
1. Sacrifice your motives Prov. 23: 7 For as he think in his heart so is he…
2. Sacrifice your will Mark 14: 36…not my will but thy will be done…
3. Sacrifice your plans Prov. 19: 21 Many re the plans in a person's heart, but the it is the Lord's purpose that prevails
4. Sacrifice your life Rom 12: 1…present yourselves as a living sacrifice…

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