Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wisdom in the Wait

Pericope: Luke 8: 51-56 - 51 When he arrived at the house of Jairus, he did not let anyone go in with him except Peter, John and James, and the child’s father and mother. 52 Meanwhile, all the people were wailing and mourning for her. “Stop wailing,” Jesus said. “She is not dead but asleep.” 53 They laughed at him, knowing that she was dead. 54 But he took her by the hand and said, “My child, get up!” 55 Her spirit returned, and at once she stood up. Then Jesus told them to give her something to eat. 56 Her parents were astonished, but he ordered them not to tell anyone what had happened.
Sermon Text: Luke 8: 53 They laughed at him, knowing that she was dead.
Sermon Title: Wisdom in the Wait
Introduction:  The worst thing you can do when you are waiting on Jesus is make rash impulsive decisions…irrational decisions are usually bad decisions.  HALT
Point 1:  Ridiculed while you wait.  Vs. 52-53 - Meanwhile, all the people were wailing and mourning for her. “Stop wailing,” Jesus said. “She is not dead but asleep.” 53 They laughed at him, knowing that she was dead.
Point 2: Don’t receive what people say. Vs. 54 But he took her by the hand and said, “My child, get up!”
Point 3:  Jesus can resurrect whatever dies in the wait.  Vs 54b; 55 -… and said, “My child, get up!” 55 Her spirit returned, and at once she stood up. Then Jesus told them to give her something to eat.
Point 4:  Rejoice because you waited.  vs. 56a Her parents were astonished…

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