Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Put a Name on It

Sermon Text: Genesis 2: 20 So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field.
Sermon Title: Put a Name on It
Luke 1: 31, 59 – 63 - 31 You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. 59 On the eighth day they came to circumcise the child, and they were going to name him after his father Zechariah, 60 but his mother spoke up and said, “No! He is to be called John.”
61 They said to her, “There is no one among your relatives who has that name.”
62 Then they made signs to his father, to find out what he would like to name the child. 63 He asked for a writing tablet, and to everyone’s astonishment he wrote, “His name is John.”.
Exodus 17:7 - Moses named the place Massah (which means "test") and Meribah (which means "arguing") because the people of Israel argued with Moses and tested the LORD by saying, "Is the LORD here with us or not?"
Genesis 26:33 - So Isaac named the well Shibah (which means "oath"). And to this day the town that grew up there is called Beersheba (which means "well of the oath").
Genesis 26:22 - Abandoning that one, Isaac moved on and dug another well. This time there was no dispute over it, so Isaac named the place Rehoboth (which means "open space"), for he said, "At last the LORD has created enough space for us to prosper in this land."
Genesis 35:15 - And Jacob named the place Bethel (which means "house of God"), because God had spoken to him there.
Genesis 32:30 - Jacob named the place Peniel (which means "face of God"), for he said, "I have seen God face to face, yet my life has been spared."
Judges 2:5 - So they called the place Bokim (which means "weeping"), and they offered sacrifices there to the LORD.
 In other words the Jews put on name on it.
Point 1: Name your day Psalm 118: 24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Point 2: Name your mood/attitude Isaiah 26:3 - You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.
Point 3: Name your ability   Philippians 4:13 - For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.
Point 4: Name your future Romans 8:31 - What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?


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