Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Weekly ALL IN Devotional, Thursday, February 13, 2014

Throughout life there will be a time and a place when we have to decide if we’re all in or if we’re going to fold.  In Genesis 22:1 “God tested Abraham” when He commanded him to sacrifice his son, Isaac.  With all that Abraham had been through in his life, it could’ve been easy for him to fold and say “I’ve done enough.  God knows my heart.”  But like any student that has taken weeks of classes only to have the whole grade depend on a final exam, our life experiences are the preparation for the test.  We still have to take the exam.  While God’s preparations throughout his life taught Abraham how to hear God, how to trust, and how to go all in for God, Abraham still had to take the test.  Our lives are no different.  We’ll go through plenty of ups and downs which will seem trying but God will still provide a final exam.  The way to pass the test is through consistent prayer and scripture reading.  Learning His voice and His word, being able to know Him on an intimate level and know that He’s watching over us like he watched Abraham is the key to success.  The only way we can make the grade and receive our reward is to pass the test.  The blessing is, this test is Open Book.

Submitted By Minister Christopher Anderson

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