Wednesday, February 6, 2013

OJHS: The Heart of the Matter

Sermon Text: Matt 6: 21
Sermon Title: OJHS: The Heart of the Matter
2 base concepts.
1 Stewardship is not about your money, it is about your life.
Where your heart is there your treasure will be. Mt. 6:21
2 Stewardship is about who is in charge of your life.
You shall have no other gods before Me. Ex. 20:2

Point 1 God Owns Everything 
The earth is the Lord's and everything in it. Ps. 24:1
1 It all belongs to God.
2 God gives His property to us for our enjoyment & investment.
3 To keep perspective, God asks that we give Him the first 10% which represents giving it ALL back to Him
4 Those who live by the ownership principle, God blesses.
5 Those who steal from God, God disciplines.

Point 2 God’s Work Must Be Supported By Gods People
The Reason People Give
« Passion b/c they believe in the cause
« Affiliation b/c they belong to the organization
« Tradition b/c they have a history or practice of giving
« Recognition b/c they want to be known
« Inspiration b/c they’re captured by the project or presenter
« Obligation b/c it is the dutiful or expected thing to do
« Transformation b/c they want to make a difference
« Invitation b/c they’re invited or asked to give
« Completion b/c they’re fulfilling a commitment
A (Consistently) Regular Giving
On the first day of every week, set aside an offering of what you have earned and give it as an offering to the Lord. 1 Cor. 16:2
B (Proportionately) Responsive Giving Idea: God calls upon believers to give in proportion to His blessing upon them.
Honor the Lord w/ your wealth, w/ the first fruits of all of your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing and your vats will brim over w/ new wine. Pr. 3:9
C (Faithfully) Reliant Giving Idea: God requires that His children give based upon God’s ability to supply.
My God shall supply my need according to His riches in glory. Ph. 4:19
D (Sacrificially) Revelation Giving
God reveals a specific need and impresses upon His people to meet it.
E (Joyfully) Radiant Giving
Let each man do according as he has purposed in his heart: not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God love a cheerful giver. 2 Cr. 9:7

F (Bountifully)
Malachi 3: 10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this, ‘says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessings that you will not have room enough for it.”

Point 3 God Holds Every Person Accountable 
Verse: Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 1Cr. 4:2
Quote: To whom much is given much is required; but all will give an account for what they have been given.

Point 4 God Desires Equal Commitment, Not Equal Contribution
Jesus taught us about this truth when he spoke of the widow/s mite. Mk 12

Point 5 God Blesses the Giver in Proportion to His Giving
Give and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, they will pour into your lap. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return. Lk. 6:38 

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