Friday, November 25, 2011


Spacious Place: The Action Plan...James 1:22


Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourself. Do what it says

Have you ever wondered why God would allow us to get down to our last, and then expect us to respond to His word and tell us to do something that does not make sense in our natural mind?

Can you imagine how Joshua felt when God told him to send the priests, not the soldiers; to march around the city and blow horns (Joshua 5:2-5) or what went through Naaman mind, when he was told by the man of God to go wash in the in the Jordan (2 kings 5:1-15). In both cases the men obeyed and received their victory.

What is your story, has God told you to plant in a time of famine, to give food when there is barely enough to feed your own family, or to tithe when there is no money left in the bank until next pay day and you have other obligations to meet.

Why is it that God demands so much from us when it seems we have so little? Because God want to take us to a spacious place by helping us learn to put action behind the very words we hear and speak. When we obey God’s word, it triggers four truths to activate our action plan in order that we may enter into the spacious place.

First, it triggers our trust in God. Secondly, it triggers a release of blessing over our life. Thirdly, it triggers a deeper dependency on God. Lastly, it triggers an investment made into eternity in the kingdom of God. When we put a demand on God from His word he is obligated to act on his word and when God put a request on us we are obligated to act on his word through our obedience.

It is important to listen to what God’s word says, but it is more important to obey it. To do what it says. To that end, are you willing to put into action the words God has spoken to you?

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