worship (online only) please complete the Life Application from the sermon. See attached or below.
Family Exercise – Virtual Family Sunday
- Find your family in the book (or see the family types below)
- Discuss questions 1-3
- Take pictures and post them and share your answers only if you think they will help another family #myfamilyish #virtualfamilysunday
Reflection Questions (The Nuclear Family):
- How does your parenting style help to mold your children?
- How grateful are you for the gift of parenthood? What could you do to increase your gratitude?
- Are your kids heading in the right direction? If they are not, then how do you think you could steer them in a new direction?
Reflection Questions (Single Parent Family)
- What are your concerns about your child’s television and social media habits?
- What kind of plan can you develop to make social media work for you and your family?
- If you are a single parent and you date, then what kind of screening do you have for potential partners?
Reflection Questions (Blended Family)
- How do you define a family?
- If you are in a blended family, then how do you work to achieve unity?
- What unique challenges has your blended family faced?
Reflection Questions (Special Needs Family)
- How do you define “special needs?”
- If you have a special needs child, how do you stay intentional?
- How do you care for yourself while caring for a special needs child?
Reflection Questions (Parenting Adult Children)
- If you still have children at home, then how do you see your role in their lives changing after they leave the nest?
- If you have adult children, then how do you advise them?
- What dysfunction have you noticed in your adult children’s lives, and what kind of advice do you give? Has that advice worked? If it has not, then what would you do differently?
Reflection Questions (Caring for Aging Parents)
- How can caring for an aging or ill parent be a gift for you?
- What do you think your responsibility to your parents is?
- If you are caring for your parents, what scriptures give you strength?
Reflection Questions (Financial Issues in the Fabulous Family)
- What are your family’s financial goals?
- Do you make it a goal to pray daily for financial wisdom?
- How do you and your spouse talk about finances?
Reflection Questions (Military Family)
- What is the top stressor in your military family? How does your family work together to make sure it does not tear the family apart?
- How do you use grace in your family? How do you demonstrate grace to the other military families around you?
- Is your family stable? How can you establish stability?